Screen washing

Flexo Wash offers a cost-efficient screen washing unit for quick and easy washing of rotary screens with minimum labor involved. The wash operation is quick with no liquid inside the sleeve leaving your items clean and dry after a few minutes. There is no wear or tear on plates or sleeves and minimal maintenance.

Screen Washing


Easy and thorough cleaning

Flexo Wash screen washers effectively clean rotary and flat screens. This results in reduced downtime, consistent print quality and a safe and healthy cleaning and working environment.

Transform your liquid waste to solid powder waste for all narrow web parts washers with our Filtration Unit to reduce your liquid consumption.

Flexo Wash supplies washing units for two types of screens:

  • Rotary screens
  • Flat screens

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PK 92 Rotary Screen Washer

The Flexo Wash PK 92 Rotary Screen Wash cleans rotary screen cylinders from printing machines using UV-drying screen inks. The screen cylinders are placed on rotating holders. Specially designed jets on both sides of the cylinders ensure a thorough cleaning.

The holder on the PK 92-1 is equipped with an adjustable plate, making it possible to adjust to different screen sizes.



PK Flat Screen Washer

The PK Flat Screen Washer is quick and effective washer, cleaning screens in only 15-20 minutes.

Screens are washed directly in the cleaning unit in the first step of the process. There is an option for the screens to be rinsed in a separate stainless-steel tank containing alcohol after the wash. 

A micro-processor controls the machine, making it simple to to set the different wash times.

"In today’s highly competitive marketplace you need to have all elements of production under control to run best quality. To ensure our new presses could achieve peak performance we needed to ensure that all working parts were as clean as possible. Flexo Wash technology is well proven and offered us the best solution."

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